Wet chemical extinguishers contain a combination of potassium acetate and potassium citrate that is highly effective in suppressing high temperature fires associated with cooking oils and grease. These units include a spray nozzle that ensures the agent is applied in moderation to the burning oil thus preventing splashing. It’s cooling properties deliver remarkable heat absorption guaranteeing the fire remains out. Wet Chemical is suitable for use on Class A and K fires. Typical Uses: For suppressing cooking oil and grease fires in commercial kitchens. This extinguisher is engineered to complement existing pre-engineered hood systems.
- Class A - Ordinary combustibles: wood, paper, rubber, fabrics, and many plastics
- Class K - Fires in cooking appliances that involve combustible cooking media, vegetable or animal oils and fats
- UL & ULC Listed
- Aluminum valve
- Wall mount included
- Rechargeable
- USA made